Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

Dancing Dead A7X

Dead men,
They celebrate
As the final chapter
Fades away
Cuz they can't hide;
We can see their flesh is rotten!

The band plays a hopeful tune
The champagne is poured
As they socialize
The look in their eyes
Hide in the light!

Everything is paid for tonight
While at the party of the
Dead dancin in their graves
The drinks here are free
So relax
Enjoy the sight of all the
Dead dancin in their graves
And while the world that they built
Told 'em to change
Told 'em to listen
They just kept it the same
And now that midnight has come
I'll get a room watchin the
Dead dancin in their graves

Bones covered up by suit
As the visible scars,
They multiply
Kiss it good-bye
Too stubborn and I'll destroy!

Tick, tock
The time bomb has been
Recognized and pressurized
Nowhere to hide
Swallowing light!

Everything is paid for tonight
While at the party of the
Dead dancin in their graves
The drinks here are free
So relax
Enjoy the sight of all the
Dead dancin in their graves
And while the world that they built
Told 'em to change
Told 'em to listen
They just kept it the same
And now that midnight has come
I'll get a room watchin the
Dead dancin in their graves

Feel a coming strength
And now it's too late
To change.

{background chatter}

Everything is paid for tonight
While at the party of the
Dead dancin in their graves
The drinks here are free
So relax
Enjoy the sight of all the
Dead dancin in their graves
And while the world that they built
Told 'em to change
Told 'em to listen
They just kept it the same
And now that midnight has come
I'll get a room watchin the
Dead dancin in their graves

Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

Berlakon Seksi, Yeyen Lidya Santai Saja

Kapanlagi.com - Dikenal di awal karirnya sebagai presenter, Yeyen Lidya kini mulai merambah ke dunia seni peran. Lewat film ANDA PUAS SAYA LOYO, Yeyen mempertontonkan keseksiannya. Walau akhir-akhir ini banyak demo soal yang berbau 'kontroversi', Yeyen mengaku tak mempermasalahkan perannya sebagai pembantu seksi yang menggoda di film ini.

"Itu profesional aja. Aku melakukan ini karena tuntutan peran. Terus keluarga tidak mempersoalkan. Yang pasti mereka tahu saya ini sedang bekerja. Tidak melakukan yang lain," ungkap Yeyen saat ditemui di peluncuran film ANDA PUAS SAYA LOYO, di Setiabudi Building, Kuningan Jakarta, Selasa (08/07/08).

Dalam film ini ada beberapa adegan seksi yang dilakoni Yeyen, yang salah satunya saat dia mandi basah sambil mencuci mobil dan mempertontonkan lekuk tubuhnya. Apa adegan semacam ini tidak membuat Yeyen risih, mengingat dia juga ibu dari dua anak? "Nggak risih meski banyak adegan seksi. Masyarakat kan sudah bisa menilai mana yang seksi dan vulgar. Anak-anak saya masih kecil, mereka nggak ngerti apa-apa," ungkap host Asyiknya Dewa-Dewi ini.

"Pokoknya film itu dengan kenyataan sehari-hari beda. Jadi aku nggak takut nanti menimbulkan image yang tidak-tidak," tambahnya.

Dalam film baru tersebut perempuan kelahiran Solo, 5 Mei 1978 ini memerankan seorang pembantu seksi bernama Inem. Dia beradu akting dengan beberapa bintang lain seperti Komeng, Bedu, Andi Soraya dan Ruben Onsu.